Welcome to our website:
Before placing an order, you need to click the above link, but before that, please take time to review the following steps, especially the note at last.
First you can choose the clothing in here
Second you can choose the Price symbol in here
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- if you want more products ,Then click out and choose another product to add to cart
Choose the product you want to order ,and choose the Size、Color and Quantity,and then Click add to cart or Buy it now
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- This is the Check Out page,if you want buy more,ClickCONTINUE SHOPPING to select your favorite product into the shopping cart,Or You can click CHECK OUT to make order,Also you can click PAYPAL to complete the order
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- Click Proceed To Checkout,Enter your shipping address
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- Enter the discount code
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- Continue to Shipping Method page (International Free Shipping full $59+)
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- Go to the Payment Page,Just Click Complete order
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7. Last,Complete your order,if you choose thePaypal to pay ,then you can after click the complete order and the fill in your Paypal information to pay ,then the order is completed.Or You can Choose below With Debit Or Credit Card to pay for
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- And then your order is complete,Please save the order number if you want to ask us about the problem of the order,thank you!